June 28, 2012

The week just flew by and was gone before I knew it.  Carol came up for the weekend and braved a sail on Lee's GulfStar.  She suffered some mal de mer, so we came in early even though Carol was a good sport about it. The rest of the week was lots of boat work punctuated by a day sailing Marty's new boat and celebrating Dan's birthday at the Rhumbline restaurant.  Not even time to stop and 'smell the roses!' Almost forgot about getting the blog out today!


June 21, 2012

Although it was another busy week, I got a bit of a break for R & R by visiting Carol in LA over the weekend. Despite such indolence, I managed to get a couple of projects completed, which is a rare and special event! Even my new windlass cover was finally completed by Jim and Donna after many weeks of delay. In my enthusiasm, I decided to try to repair my old outboard one last time before giving up on it for good.
The single unfortunate event of the week was the death of the little sea lion pup born at the marina last week. While it's sad, with an infant sea lion mortality rate of some 90%, it's not unusual.

June 14, 2012

It was a long and difficult week coping with the agony of having to end my dog's life. In the words of a friend, he had been dealt a difficult hand.  He needed a lot of care, but in everything that he could control, he was a sweetheart.

Coping meant keeping busy: boat work, outrigger racing, sailing, swapmeets and socializing. Kind words and gestures from friends and neighbors helped too. As I begin to recover, I am starting to appreciate not having to arrange my life around the dog's medication and walk schedule: the perennial love vs freedom tradeoff.

The boat work for the last week or two has focused on rebuilding and refinishing the aft hatch and base coaming, and putting in a new head ceiling (headliner?) so I can put in some new LED lighting to replace the faulty/funky one in there now. Both jobs seemed straightforward at the beginning, but both grew and GREW!