October 18, 2012

After a nice weekend with Carol that included a dinghy cruise for breakfast at the Harbor Cove Cafe, a visit to the Museum of Ventura County for a lecture and booksigning by Gustavo Arellano who writes the syndicated column ¡Ask a Mexican!,and a Thai dinner, I got back to working on the battens for the starboard quarterberth in the aft cabin. Having previously done the port side, I was able to improve efficiency a bit on the starboard side with some subtle, but significant adjustments in methodology.

My first sailing article, "A Swell Story" , was published this month by Boat US in their quarterly Seaworthy.  If you look carefully elsewhere in the issue, you'll also find a couple of short anecdotes of mine.  Let me know what you think....


  1. Nice article Cappy G! You suspenseful sea-monkey indeed! Methinks I will stay on the outside.

    Can't wait to read next one! I hope you keep it up, and also put together boat DIY articles too!

    Happy monkey!

  2. PS: SaltyMonkey would like to know what kind of steak you had and whether it was rare/med/well done. And was there a baked potato and salad? i hope!
