June 27, 2013

Work was focused on the new overhead in the doghouse.  Made pretty good progress:  pre-primed beadboard panels were cut to shape using the stick patterns, then the back side sealed with Thompson's WaterSeal.  After that, the front side was painted with Brightside Hatteras Off-White, wet-sanded and painted again.  The finished panels were then screwed to the overhead stringers.  Two days were spent carefully cutting, fitting and mounting the hardwood trim (mostly mahogany, some cherry and teak).  Next task:  remove, number and varnish the many pieces of trim prior to the final re-installation.  That will have to wait until the Epifanes products I ordered arrive.

It was nice that I was able to use the panoramic camera feature on my new iPhone this week to show the entire overhead in one image.  Unfortunately, my old phone, which had photos of earlier stages in the process, has gotten so fluky I couldn't download the images despite a couple of hours of frustrating efforts.

Bat rays have invaded the harbor this week.  Quite interesting to watch....some four feet across.  They give birth to live young, eat crabs and shellfish, and can live more than 20 years.  Only sting if attacked or threatened.


  1. sweet woodwork...looks like a picture frame.

    Can i train rays to fetch sticks?

    1. Thanks! I don't think you'd have much luck training rays to fetch sticks. They might fetch crabs, but they'd most likely eat them immediately...
