August 1, 2011

I'm in the final sprint to get the house ready for market, so once again, I was unable to make it down to Circadian. However, as more and more stuff gets removed from the house, my moving onto Circadian feels more and more imminent. The final big cleaning starts tomorrow. In another week or so I'll begin the transition into making Circadian my home.

One bit of good news regarding Circadian this week is that my WH autopilot was finally shipped. I'd been waiting patiently for the last few months while they filled orders for the less-than-patient Northwest fishermen who rely on those autopilots. Mine (all 40 pounds of it) should arrive in the next few days. Of course there's still the installation: about three full days of work. Stay tuned!


  1. Since you can't make it down to your boat toy this week, how about installing that WH autopilot in your truck? Then you can test out the remote control feature in the back seat.

    Just an idea, from SaltyMonkey!

  2. btw capt G. Check out this diesel duck for sale. You may get some cool ideas (such as those nice portholes in the forward cabin, and the dickenson heater pipe in the salon).

    Such a SaltyMonkey boat!!!@!@!@ DROOOL :).........
