June 26, 2014

With Carol off having fun in Germany, I didn't get a weekend break.  I'm tired and hurting, but got a lot done.  Just about finished with getting everything back together after the painting, and started on gelcoating the deck nonskid.  Things are looking very good in general.  I had a few issues dialing in the amount of catalyst and surfacing agent to use in the gelcoat, but I think I've got it resolved.  Should know for sure next week.
Got a surprise call from my former employer.  They want me to do a small project for them (writing a short video script).  The money will be good, so I agreed.  It will probably take a day or two away from the boat work, but that's okay.  I need the money!

June19, 2014

I began the long slog toward getting things back together this week, including touching up and recoating brightwork damaged in the prep and painting process, re-caulking portlights and re-installing fasteners for all the canvas work.  I also took care of several other minor things that had to be done to get things back together.  There is still a great deal more to do, not even counting gelcoating the nonskid on the deck.  But progress is steady, despite delays and setbacks from back pain and rescuing damsels in distress.


June 12, 2014

Jose’s work is essentially done.  There is just one spot that needs re-painting because it seems the surface was somehow contaminated despite multiple sandings and cleanings.  In trying to get things done around Jose’s somewhat unpredictable work sessions, I’ve tackled a variety of small projects geared toward putting the boat back together.  While the amount of work still to be done remains daunting, the boat has come a long way down the road to transformation.
In addition to the boat work, the week was notably punctuated by the annual outrigger canoe race in which I paddled ten miles, my back ‘going out,’ and some minor surgery on my tongue of all places.  Pretty full week.