June 12, 2014

Jose’s work is essentially done.  There is just one spot that needs re-painting because it seems the surface was somehow contaminated despite multiple sandings and cleanings.  In trying to get things done around Jose’s somewhat unpredictable work sessions, I’ve tackled a variety of small projects geared toward putting the boat back together.  While the amount of work still to be done remains daunting, the boat has come a long way down the road to transformation.
In addition to the boat work, the week was notably punctuated by the annual outrigger canoe race in which I paddled ten miles, my back ‘going out,’ and some minor surgery on my tongue of all places.  Pretty full week.




  1. What is that tab with the holes on the inner stay sticking out like a knife -- in the picture of the cover looks good with new paint shot.

    Do you really want me to trip and cut my leg or throat on it?

    nice flowers

  2. Sharp eyes! You're seeing a tang to which I attach the tack of the staysail. It's flopped over to the side like that because everything was removed or loosened for the paintjob. It's rounded, not sharp and normally tucked up right behind the stay, so it would be pretty difficult to fall on it. When the staysail is attached, it would be close to impossible. I really wouldn't want you to hurt yourself!
