December 23, 2014

Despite the little time for boat work this week, I did manage to get a few things done, many of which fell into the category of "ironing out the wrinkles."  Since I have to depart for Des Moines at OMG 4:30 am tomorrow, short week means short blog post .  At least I got it out. No boat work or internet access until I return after the 29th.  Might be able to get out an end-of-the year post.....


December 18, 2014

With the week so disrupted by rain, wind and holiday events, it's a miracle I got anything done at all.  I did get a couple of small items finished, including my new double-line anchor snubber. However, as you'll see from the photos, there was a lot of unavoidable jumping around from project to project.  But it's all good.  While the weather should be benign next week, I'll be flying to Des Moines for Christmas, so it will be a  bit of a work holiday.

Best wishes for whatever you're celebrating!