December 11, 2014

Another week punctuated by inclement weather meant that I had to be nimble in juggling work tasks.  I managed to get in a bit more painting and varnishing as well as some other little projects.  Several items I had previously ordered arrived, and they provided some impetus too.  The biggest one (literally and figuratively) was a new helm seat. At about one third the size and weight of the old one, it will be much easier to move around and stow out of the way.  More important from a safety and security standpoint, however, was a new chain hook for the anchor rode snubber.  I’ll be modifying the snubber next week as a result.
The annual holiday boat parade is coming this weekend, and several of my dockmates are working hard decorating their boats despite the threat of rain. With the biggest storm so far this year set to unleash some heavy rain in the wee hours tonight, I’ll soon find out if my re-caulking of a cabin-top hatch last week fixed the little leak.  Do your dry dance!

1 comment:

  1. i like the old seat better as it locks you in, Now you need a seat belt
