January 14, 2016

Not a very productive week for boat work, although I did get some other things done.  A couple of days were consumed with getting new high performance tires and wheels for the Mini, rearranging the storage unit to accommodate the original wheels and tires, and of course road testing.  While working on the storage unit, I extricated the parts for mounting the new radar antenna array, and I hope to get that up tomorrow.  Until I get some more Epifanes Rapid Coat, I can’t finish that last piece of teak trim for the v-berth, which is a bit frustrating.  Since I couldn’t do that, I started straightening out and securing the wiring for the v-berth home theatre so that it can be hidden behind the new underdeck.
The surf has been big most of the week, and a commercial fishing boat ran aground just west of the harbor.  The crew was rescued unharmed, but the transom was so badly damaged that the boat couldn’t be salvaged and will have to be cut up.

1 comment:

  1. Oh and your car looks much brighter with those new wheels!
