Puerta Vallarta III

While the week was mostly projects and chores, I did squeeze in some fun. Enjoyed a free margarita and show, got whisked off to a secret old time Mexico town with a bunch of Canadians and finally found a piece of Huichol art I liked and could afford at the farmers market. Having watched a couple of artists working now, I am even more amazed at what they do.  The intricate and colorful patterns are produced without any guidelines on the base, sketch or other references.  Oh, I also
swam and soaked in the Jacuzzi quite a few times, too.  On the project front, after doing some running around for parts, I completed the spare anchor set-up and dealt with the issue of accumulated water in the aft lazarette. I still need to sort through and organize all the short lengths of line I pulled out....Carol will arrive in a couple of hours for a short visit, so I spent the last couple of days putting things away and cleaning.

1 comment:

  1. These artists need instruction on colour theory and economy, else's its just a hack and I hate it.

    On the other hand, that eye splice or yours is a nice piece of art I would hang on my wall.

    Packing gland prolly loosened from collision.

    Hopefully the saltywater didn't FX your drogue too much.

    Wish we had some food photos this week because i am hungry.

    Watch out for Mexican penguins.
