June 21, 2012

Although it was another busy week, I got a bit of a break for R & R by visiting Carol in LA over the weekend. Despite such indolence, I managed to get a couple of projects completed, which is a rare and special event! Even my new windlass cover was finally completed by Jim and Donna after many weeks of delay. In my enthusiasm, I decided to try to repair my old outboard one last time before giving up on it for good.
The single unfortunate event of the week was the death of the little sea lion pup born at the marina last week. While it's sad, with an infant sea lion mortality rate of some 90%, it's not unusual.


  1. Love the aft hatch vent. And oh yes, the head ceiling fix is cool too.

  2. Glad you like them. The vent is one of the original ones on the boat that was replaced by a solar powered exhaust fan.

    And here I thought you'd pass over all that technical stuff in favor of the espresso makers and the cute tomatahs!

  3. Nice week Capt G. There always seems to be something to drill and do around you!

    and new stuff to see...

    love carols coffee collection, the mugs (which one can salty monkey have?) and last picture...what are those things anyway...they look like flowers but they are not.

  4. George claims to have not found any wild flowers in Los Angeles so he had to make do with what was around the house!
