October 11, 2012

More fall:  light rain, a harbor surrounded by thunderheads and a dearth of flowers.  Nonetheless, I continued to work on the aft starboard quarterberth while taking precautions for possible rain. I learned from my experience with the port side, and things went a bit smoother.  Carol came up for a short weekend visit that we filled with fun:  local wine tasting, dinner at Spasso's, a visit to the Oil Museum, and even a movie!


  1. I love love the nature photos this week. Especially big bird and the big cloud. I already complimented you on the boat work when I saw it this weekend. Yea.

  2. Oh, Carol beat me to it. Yes the nature shots are wonderful and cloud a classic. Ducky and bunny! YAY!

    As for boat work, SaltyMonkeys first theorem states:

    old_boat + capt_george => new_boat

