March 14, 2013

It was busy and varied week.  After a rigorous paddle Saturday morning, I went to a christening/renaming ceremony at the yacht club, which was both fun and educational.  Turns out there are a lot of gods whose favor must be curried-especially the Norse ones when the boat is Swedish. I spent the rest of the weekend in LA with Carol.  Heard an astrophysicist explain pulsars in language that was understandable by anyone and got tour of an amazing shop where Carol's friend Bob has been building model railroad cars and steam locomotives for more than 40 years.  
On Circadian, I had to deal with a very unpleasant leak from the holding tank and cope with lots of foggy days that made varnishing ill-advised.  Still managed to get some finish work done, though.  My canvas guy is supposed to come next Sunday to do some patterns, but the guy who was supposed to do the berth cushions failed to call as promised.  I'll have to start pestering him.   Wish me luck!


1 comment:

  1. Crazy stinky week for sure, but glad the turtles came out to play. Nature shots very uplifting. Clearly, I need to get moving too!
