July 31, 2014

It was a good news/bad news week.  The good news was that I finished the port side cap rail, the overhead trim and the wood around the door to the v-berth.  I also covered an exposed screw head and scarf joint by the forward cleat with sheet bronze.  The bronze will hide the exposed screw head, protect the scarf joint and provide chafe protection for the finish.  The bad news:  I got in a fender bender and it looks like the end for my faithful truck.  While the damage doesn't look that bad, the body shop found frame damage and the repairs will likely be more than the truck is worth.  I have used the back of the truck as storage, so the next couple of weeks will likely see me spending a lot of time cleaning out, moving stuff and reorganizing.  Not what I had planned.  Not a big deal in the long run, but a major hassle in the short term.

1 comment:

  1. Yuk. Truck didn't look too bad like yer said. Radiator and wheel well, bent axel mebbe...sad it was worse.

    Nice job on the wood. Me always wonder about those metal thingies over the wood and whether they make repairs harder, and what happens with water seeping underneath also strength.

