April 9, 2015

The final step in the completion of my “mini home theatre” was getting the wedge pillow upholstered using the same fabric as the berths and settee.  That was done very well at a good price by an upholsterer around the corner from Carol in L.A.  I also took care of a couple of other minor, but nagging, little projects this week:  replacing missing baseboard in the galley and re-installing the hasps for locking the cockpit lazarettes.
Spurred on by the growing water crisis in California, I spent quite a bit of time researching watermakers and assessing the feasibility of installing one on Circadian.  I've settled on an engine-driven SeaMaker kit from Cruise RO Water and started doing my pre-purchase/pre-installation due diligence.   That included lots of measurements, study of detailed engineering drawings and finally building and testing a model.  The model trial revealed some issues that mean I’ll need to revamp my house battery installation and try again with a slightly modified model. 
All that has shifted my overall focus to the engine room and some nagging “list” items there.   In addition to re-doing the batteries, I need to improve the primary wiring and install a second high-capacity bilge pump. (Not that the sinking of a boat in a nearby slip this week had anything to do with my new priorities!)  Should keep me busy for quite some time….

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that crazy Rich Boren knows his &#(&#&. √√

    Be careful. Your filters are gonna clog from all that #@*#)* in the bay.

    Now, if you hadn't wasted all that time and money on a silly L.A. movie theatre with entertainment chairs in your boat, I might have a clean glass of water to go with my banana by now.

    Sad about the boat sinking. Wonder what happened?

    Oh well...loveley flowerz
