May 14, 2015

We’re finally getting some badly needed rain as I post this week’s blog.  A nice change.  After returning from a tiring trip down to the San Diego area to pick up the watermaker kit and do a 13-mile outrigger race, I got back to a couple of ongoing projects.  When I found out that the high pressure pump for the watermaker weighed more than eight pounds, I decided to use up the last of the steel I had bought to strengthen the 18-inch-long arms that connect the pump mount to the engine mounts.  That entailed some additional cutting and grinding, but I’m glad I did it.  My welder friend has come up with some 220, but hasn’t had a time window yet, so no welding this week.  In the meantime, I finished up steps down into the engine room using the folding step I got last week, the new battery box and the new tool box.  It will make getting up and down a bit easier, no small matter given how many times I’ll be doing that to install the watermaker and finish upgrading the batteries and charging system.

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