Carol Comes to Barra

Carol is finally getting to see Barra de Navidad.  Unfortunately, she is still suffering some after-effects from her toe surgery, and could not do much walking.  While that really limited what we could do, we still managed to have a good time.
Went out to the anchorage in the lagoon a couple of days ago.  A nice change.  The wind piped up this afternoon, but no problems so far. 
Had a bit of a scare today when my dinghy went missing from the marina dock. But it turned up.  Everyone claimed it had come untied and blown down into another slip.  Pretty unlikely, especially considering a panga had taken its place immediately.  But at least I got it back and nothing was taken.

At Simona's for a mojito and dinner...

...and to watch the sunset!
The next morning:  breakfast from the French Baker.

Tough to choose!

But Carol did it!
Dinner at Manglito's including a guitar player/singer and a dance couple,

Boats floating (at night at Manglito's).

Brunch at Banana's

Nice view either way

My usual beach shot spot at sunset

The sparrows at the poolside café at the hotel expect
to be fed and some peck your feet if you fail to comply.

Only the elite swallows nest at the Grand Bay Hotel

First happy hour in the lagoon:  homemade margarita .

Sunrise/moonrise in the lagoon

Building a palapa on the malecon.

Kids in Mexico are part of all facets of family life.
Here they are enjoying an after-school snack on the
water taxi.

Taking a snooze while mom works.

He's having too much fun; call the fun police!

This is how I left my dinghy this morning.

This is what I saw when I came back a couple of hours later.
It was found tied up at a downwind slip.  Everyone claimed it 
came untied and blew downwind.  At least I got it back and
nothing was taken.

In the lagoon, the wind picked up this afternoon
to about 25 knots with higher gusts. 
No problems so far.

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