Melaque, Barra de Navidad

Strong winds kept us in the marina for several days and the delayed departure made trying to make Zihuatenajo and back in the remaining time too risky.  Rather than make a shorter cruise, Jim decided to head home early.  So, we played around in Barra and Melaque.  We did an interesting little excursion to see the shipwreck just outside Barra Bay and had some good times with friends old and new.  A 125-foot yacht hit a catamaran a few boats down from me and came within two feet of hitting me.  Scary!  My friends Jay and Terri left for Puerto Vallarta this morning.  I hope I make it back there for the summer before they leave for Martha's Vineyard.

Barra de Navidad

Barra beach

Panga pier

Wall mural in a restaurant

Beach at the Grand Bay Hotel

The lagoon from a restaurant in Colimilla (outside Barra)

Sunrise in the marina

The famous "Christ of the Cyclone" in the
church.  When hurricane Lily struck in 1971,
a piece of the ceiling fell and knocked the 
arms down.  The hurricane subsided and
the townspeople saw it as a miracle.
"Our Savior Jesus Christ, you extended your
hands and calmed the stormy seas that
frightened your followers and put their boats in
danger, and lowering your arms from the
cross calmed the fury of Hurricane
Lily that terrorized the people of
Barra de Navidad and the coastal
region. We ask your mercy so
that along with our own efforts
and sacrifices, we can overcome
the tempestuous passions that
have been generated in our lives."

Happy hour on "Single D"

Happy hour on "Silver Wings"

Jim at Mary's Restaurant

Looking toward the Melaque anchorage

Enjoying a pineapple

Mending fishing nets

Looking across Barra Bay toward Barra de Navidad

La Catrinas for Day of the Dead

A Panga Trip to the Wreck of the Los Llanitos


Our skipper, Ruben

Nice guy and knows his stuff

When you go close to the rocks you have to known them
well.  Some are named.  This is the bull.

The turtle

The gorilla

See it now?

The ship came into view as we rounded the point.

It was a fun and interesting trip.
Arturo and Armando survey the damage to this cat's bow spirit.
The BIG yacht behind it hit it.

Jay and Terri on "Cadenza" departing for Chamela.

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