A "Routine" Week?

The main event this week was the super snow moon, so I guess that means nothing much else special going on.  I got some nice pictures of the sunset at Diego's on Wednesday again, the day I go to see Curt play cornet and harmonica every week.  I rowed out to the mangroves one day and got a few more bird pictures.  I'm getting better at catching them in flight, but it's still a challenge.  The autofocus is too slow and tends to get confused when panning across a background, and I have to use a large lens opening for a fast shutter speed which means little room for error.  So I have to pre-focus manually and hope the bird goes where I anticipate it will.  It's almost impossible to track the flying bird, manually adjust the focus and time the shutter release simultaneously, so as you can imagine, a good deal of luck is involved.  A lot of failures get deleted.
On the boat work side, I continued refinishing the floor in the main cabin.  It takes a lot of sanding and six coats of polyurethane to produce a satisfactory result, so I do a little at time and it's not too bad.  There is of course a certain amount of juggling and inconvenience involved in avoiding using those sections of the floor that are being done, but nothing that can't be worked out.

The super snow moon setting at sunrise.

Grackles flying in front of the moon at dawn.


Kilroy is here!

The elusive tricolored heron in its hiding spot in the

I knew it would get spooked as I got closer...

...so I was ready to try to catch it in flight.

Off it went, screaming bloody murder!

As usual, the yellow-crowned night herons will let
you get closer if you are stealthy.

But they too have a point where it's "I'm outa here!"

On the rip-rap at the marina, an egret forages at low tide.

Sometimes fishing off the dock works.  This one is used to
people around, so I was able to get close enough
 to get this shot with my phone.

Another great sunset at the beach at Diego's.  But it was
very cold.  (You know, below 70 with wind!)

It was a very low tide, so more rocks on the beach were exposed.

So far I've refinished three sections of the floor
in the main cabin.  Sanding and six coats of
polyurethane.  Hopefully you can see which ones.

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