September 4, 2014

I continued working on refinishing the starboard cap rail and started work on the sliding hatch for the aft cabin.  The cap rail is almost done:  I just need to wet sand it with 400 grit before applying the final coat of Cetol Gloss.  (Hopefully all the excavation going on around the marina will not cause it to be ruined by fine grit settling on it!).   Because it doesn't take the whole day to lay on a coat of Cetol on the rail, I spent part of each day working on the sliding hatch.  I've made good progress, and with luck I might finish both next week.  Then the only significant task remaining on the exterior restoration will be the stern rail.  Could there be a party in the future?


1 comment:

  1. lovely!

    love the flowers...could this be the last of the summer?
