April 25, 2013

Some progress on a couple of fronts this week:  More filling and sanding of the teak in the cockpit area in the doghouse, some final details in the aft cabin, and I started refurbishing my outrigger paddle in preparation for racing.  The big event was the delivery of the cushions for the quarterberths in the aft cabin.  They fit perfectly and look good.  I even got a “deal” because Ron made a mistake in the quote and didn’t include enough for the foam.  He was kind enough to just take the loss and earn my good will.
It must really be spring now:  both the wildflowers and the fog are back.



  1. Aft cabin looking spiffy.

    Nice to see cushions again!

    and flowers...spring time!!

  2. Looking great George. I'm actually in your area for work on the 15th of May, would love to stop by and say hello.
