September 13, 2013

The week was devoted to getting the boat ready for the next cruise and visitors this weekend:  tidying up the dinghy, pressure washing, getting the awning ready for use, filling the propane tank, etc., etc., etc.  I also did a little research on curing the problem of a sulpher odor coming from the boat's hot water.  Turns out that can be caused by corrosion in the hot water heater.  The cure is to replace the drain faucet with a magnesium anode.  I've ordered one, so check back later to see if it worked.

Spent last weekend in LA with Carol.  We saw a couple of pretty cool installations at the LA County Art Museum and had a fancy lunch in the museum restaurant.  Nice plantscape too.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! A cruise. Me like the bow bucket!

    and the Pineapple Plant!
