January 10, 2013

Lots of weather today:  gale warnings, chance of rain and low temperatures in the thirties in the forecast.  Did I mention that King Tides are causing some problems further north?  Ah, well.  No matter.  I've got my fireplace and heater going, so even though the wind is howling and the boat is bouncing around a bit, I'm snug and warm.

It took a while to get back into the project groove after the holiday hoopla, but I've made some good progress.  I've been working both inside and outside depending on whim and weather.  Some of the aft cabin projects are coming close to fruition, and it's exciting to see things finally starting to look good after so many months of work.







1 comment:

  1. Nice NYear start there Cappy! No easy load given the weather and temp.

    Cant wait as things accelerate, and spring will be here soon!
