January 31, 2013

Lots of weather this week:  scattered rain showers, fog, cold temperatures, strong winds and finally some warm sunshine.  Even the birds decided it would be wise to take shelter in the harbor this week, with a parade of pelicans a quarter mile long and a gathering of gulls not seen since Hitchcock filmed The Birds in Bodega Bay.  There were quite a few nice sunrises and sunsets as well.  In the midst of it all, the tall ships arrived for their annual visit and we were duly notified of the cannon fire anticipated in their forthcoming mock battle.
Meanwhile, I continued to work on the trim and paneling in the aft cabin and head, and refinished the drawer fronts.  I also decided to get a new freshwater pump since my quick fix of the old one last week didn't work and I was hoping I could find a quieter pump.  The new ShurFlo Revolution arrived only two days after ordering, so I went to work on the installation today.  I refined my ideas for vibration and noise abatement in the mounting system with good results.  The new pump is so quiet that I wasn't sure it was running the first time I turned it on.  The  old pump sounded like a muffled machine gun; the new installation sounds more like a low hum barely audible over the sound of running water.  No water or air leaks.  Joy!!


  1. Such a small little change on the mirror is so noticeable. Looks so much batter.

    Lovely end of week pick-tures - wish I was livin' there.

    1. Thanks. It is indeed a great place to live. There are people who have literally been around the world that decide, when they are ready to settle down, to do it here. Those us living here are thankful everyday for our good fortune.
